The Hat ...Its purpose is to give a happy face on a sometime sad world.

Returning from a business trip in Abano Terme I was inspired to write this blog devoted to the hat. In slow times of regional trains often in addition to reading, watching the tablet ... the eyes of an image consultant can watch passengers with a creative spirit, without wanting to replace me snobby school teacher on duty, but with the pleasure of believing that each of us has a unique style with an exceptional potential. Few men and women wear the hat and mostly the ...and I thought how I wanted to live for a while in the Victorian age!
As image consultant and wardrobe planner I consider the hat the most powerful accessory in the wardrobe of a man, you can make a persuasive or unpleasant impression, with it we find our character, so it is important that you pick the model that best flatters you.
In my Artist Image Management / Personal branding love to start by saying “it is important not to be shy, but wear your hat with confidence and aplomb ... always remember that wear something once is new, the second time familiar, the third time it's your signature”.
Think of the iconic celebrities that are difficult to imagine without their hat: Pharrell Williams, Humphrey Bogart, Frank Sinatra, Johnny Depp, Cary Grant ..
Like velvet jackets and leather bags, hat looks better with age!
"The key of wearing a hat is to know what suits your face's shape picking the right style therefore the goal is to remove as many as possible asymmetry and give a look of balanced facial proportions - in front of the mirror the eye must find an attractive symmetry".
Square shaped face: A square face has a major jaw, broad forehead and wide cheekbones.
- The hats with soft designs as "floppy hats" or by curved lines as "bowler" will be particularly flattering for you.
Round shape face: Your face is about as wide as it is long, with a broad forehead, cheeks, and rounded chin.
- Try to balance this type of face with a more angular hat. Because your face is very symmetrical, you can easily wear asymmetrical shapes, such as hats with a high crown and brim tipped or tilted. You can accentuate this effect by tilting his hat forward. Avoid rounded crowns and high or wide crowns and held that accentuate the roundness of the face.
Diamond shaped face: The widest part is the cheekbones, your face is very angular, with a narrow forehead and a tapered chin.
- A wide-brimmed moderate with a pinched crown may be the best style of hat for you.
Oval face shape: An oval face is longer than it is wide, with fairly simple lines ranging from the temples to the jaw, and its round chin.
- Try brimmed hats as flare wide brim Fedora, or hats as Coppola falling down on the forehead. Avoid hats with narrow pitched or flat, as these wil
overestimate the long lines of your face.
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