Style's words: The shirt and its details

Friday, 21 June, 2013
Style's words:  The shirt and its details

In the blog concerning to the man by Silk Gift Milan this new appointment Style' words completes the excellence for men, the shirt, focusing on details that make this distinction.
As image consultants we ask: "Are you really sure that you wear the right shirt that fit you?"
Certainly an image consultant and personal shopper is professionally obliged, whenever the customer requires it, to have to be able to distinguish its important details!

A shirt is different ...

The detail that is required after the color! The three most frequently requested:
Classic or Italian: This collar is suitable for any occasion it is elegant and  formal, as personal shopper it is recommended as one of the must have in the man's wardrobe. If it has fixed or removable splints, it ensures a proper stiffness. French One: This collar is characterized by a large opening that it is almost horizontal between the two ends and for this reason it  can be defined the most formal collar. When you wear a shirt with this neck and you need a  tie with a knot rather thick and medium sized so as to fill the entire opening. Botton Down: This collar is the most casual and therefore the most informal. It should never be worn with a suit, it is ideal to use it for unformal occasions.

Rounded or round: Simple, current and convenient for its use,  as image consultants recommend to avoid
formal occasions, it is good for the office.
Beveled: Look at the buttons ... two is elegant, but if the button is one the occasions to wear the
shirt in question are endless!
Double for Twins: it is very elegant and as image consultants we always advise our customers never to miss this shirt in their wardrobe!

If you talk about finishing Silk Gift Milan can only refer to the craft, such as:
- Hand sewing of the shoulder,
- The fold torch calibrated on the length of the chest,
- The front flap of the slots which is normally a separate strip of fabric and it is sewn with angle closure.

To be the most stylish as image consultants we advise you to be careful that it is well made:
- The slots are cut into vertical and finished, the last exception that must be horizontal,
- The mother pearl's buttons with four holes combined with crossed wires.

Styles and Silk Gift Milan
The clock on the cuff
The clock on the cuff has begun in the last century and, Gianni Agnelli knew how to make that distinction. He was admired and an imitated example, he used to wear the watch over the cuff and his classic style completed his look.